W 51
2005 Season
All 2005 Programs

2005 SeasonJuly 6–July 17Main StageAuthor: Wilde, OscarDirector: Kaufman, Moisés
Lady Windermere's Fan

2005 SeasonJuly 20–July 31Main StageAuthor: Churchill, CarylDirector: Bonney, Jo
Top Girls

2005 SeasonAugust 3–August 14Main StageAuthor: Stoppard, TomDirector: Jones, David
On the Razzle

2005 SeasonAugust 17–August 28Main StageAuthor: Inge, WilliamDirector: Frears, Will
Bus Stop

2005 SeasonJuly 13–July 24Nikos StageAuthor: Frankel, EtanDirector: Ashley, Christopher
Create Fate

2005 SeasonJuly 27–August 7Nikos StageAuthor: Prebble, LucyDirector: Mileaf, Maria
Sugar Syndrome, The

2005 SeasonAugust 10–August 21Nikos StageAuthor: Lampley, Oni FaidaDirector: Randolph-Wright, Charles
Tough Titty

2005 SeasonJuly 25–July 31Free Theatre | Main StageAuthor: Cilo, JasonDirector: Charlton, Amanda
Witching Hour, The

2005 SeasonAugust 18–August 20Goodrich HallAuthor: Washburn, AnneDirector: McKeon, Johanna
I Have Loved Strangers - leapFROG Play
2005 SeasonAugust 18–August 20Goodrich HallAuthor: Scher, JoshuaDirector: Armesto, Carlos